Street Crimes have increased many folds in Abbottabad district where in recent examples, a deputy manager of Hattar based Cement Factory was deprived of costly mobile-phone with the wallet in the early hours of morning of Monday morning when he was waiting for his official van at the thickly populated area of Kunj Jadeed
ABBOTTABAD, (Dr Nasir: Sahara News Pakistan- 9th Jan, 2023 ) :Street Crimes have increased many folds in Abbottabad district where in recent examples, a deputy manager of Hattar based Cement Factory was deprived of costly mobile-phone with the wallet in the early hours of morning of Monday morning when he was waiting for his official van at the thickly populated area of Kunj Jadeed.
According to the robbery victim, two dacoits at gunpoint snatched his mobile phone and other valuables at 6:20am and escaped into nearby streets. FIR was lodged by the complainant in Cantt police station.